Eastcent Technology

About Us

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSMetInfo Co., Ltd. (MetInfo.cn) focused on the field of network information and network marketing, integrated team of professional marketing ideas and networking technologies to provide customers with high quality online marketing services.
MetInfo main activities include: Web system development, website building, website promotion, planning and running of the spatial domain as well as network marketing.
MetInfo main products - MetInfo enterprise website management system using PHP + Mysql structure, the station's built-in SEO search engine optimization mechanism to support the user to customize the interface language, module has a corporate website (Company Profile module, news module product modules, download the module, image module, the recruitment module, feedback, feedback systems, online exchanges, links, membership and rights management). Powerful and flexible back-office management functions, static page generation, personalized modules to add functionality, various sections of custom styles FLASH functions for enterprise to create a beautiful atmosphere, and the marketing power of the boutique site.
MetInfo adhering to the "create value for partners," the core values ??of honesty, tolerance, innovation, service "as the spirit of enterprise, e-commerce and information services industry to create value through independent innovation and sincere cooperation.
On creating value for partners. "
MetInfo Co., Ltd. that customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and their own cooperative relations between the units and individuals who are their partners, and only through efforts to create value for partners, in order to realize their own value and access to development and success.
"Honesty, tolerance, innovation, service"
MetInfo Co., Ltd. that honesty is the foundation of all cooperation, tolerance is the premise of problem-solving, innovation is a tool for career development and service is fundamental to create value.
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