Eastcent Technology

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Manager Assistant

  • 招聘人數(shù)2
  • 工作地點(diǎn)Hunan Province Changsha High-tech Development Zone
  • 工資待遇3000
  • 發(fā)布日期2013/12/27
  • 有效期0


Job responsibilities:
1, responsible for the administrative documents, meeting minutes, reports of the drafting and daily secretarial, information submitted to the work
2, to assist the departments to other auxiliary services;
3, completes the Department and other departments to coordinate work.
1, major in accounting or a water supply equipment industry and related work experience is preferred;
2, men and women are not limited
3, highly organized, meticulous, serious, responsible, rigorous work;
4, proficient in computer operation and Office office software, have basic network knowledge.
Working time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 1:30 - 5:30
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